University of Virginia
Historic Preservation Framework Plan
Although the University is best known for the "Academical Village" designed by Thomas Jefferson, it also possesses a large stock of architecturally and historically significant buildings dating into the 1960s. The first step in undertaking this project was to develop an understanding of the history and development of the University to better comprehend events and trends that shaped the landscape. Evaluation criteria developed by the UVA Advisory Committee were used for judging the importance of the buildings and landscapes. The criteria consisted of three categories; History/Associations, Landscape/Context and Architecture.
Buildings were surveyed by MCWB staff while Elmore Design Collaborative undertook the landscape component of the Master Plan. As the sites were surveyed, the significance of each was determined by judging the sites place in the history of the University and its importance in relation to the criteria established along with the physical condition of the building or landscape. A written report was developed for each site to document the existing conditions and character defining features. Based on the information acquired through historical research and field surveys, a level of priority for the preservation of each building and landscape was established. The levels of preservation were divided into Fundamental, Essential, Important, Contributing and Not Contributing.
Along with the prioritization of the building stock guidelines were developed for the management of these resources. These guidelines included a preservation philosophy for the management of sites, acceptable practices for the care and maintenance of buildings and landscapes, and recommendations concerning the adaptive use of historic sites.
Further information within the Master Plan included the identification of potential National Register properties, sites in need of more detailed examination in the form of building condition assessments or historic structure reports, and critical issues that needed addressing.